In this work we describe a series of performance tests on different archite
ctures of high bandwidth local area networks, contemporarily in use at C.I.
L.E.A. (Inter-University Consortium for Automatic Elaboration of Lombardy)
to connect multi-processor machines devoted to educational and research pur
poses, such as fluido-dynamic and mechanical simulations. This LAN is essen
tially made out of a standard FDDI ring, and an HyperFabric backbone. Hyper
Fabric is a Hewlett-Packard high performance network system bus, with a dec
lared maximum bandwidth of 2.5 Gbit/s full duplex per link. We present a co
mparison, in terms of effective bandwidth, average throughput and CPU consu
mption of the above mentioned network systems. Furthermore we also describe
the effects, in terms of transfer efficiency, of such a mixed environment,
in which different systems co-exist and must often be cross-walked by vari
ous applications, as backups and mass storage access. Measurements and comp
arisons are made using Open Software tools like netperf and NetPIPE.