In this review, we seek to develop new insights about the nature of algal-s
ea anemone symbioses by comparing such associations in temperate and tropic
al seas. Temperate seas undergo pronounced seasonal cycles in irradiance, t
emperature, and nutrients, while high irradiance, high temperature, and low
nutrients are seasonally far less variable in tropical seas. We compare th
e nature of symbiosis between sea anemones ( = actinians) and zooxanthellae
(Symbiodinium spp.) in both regions to test tropical paradigms against tem
perate examples and to identify directions for future research. Although fe
wer anemone species are symbiotic in temperate regions, they are locally do
minant and ecologically important members of the benthic community compared
to the tropics.
Zooxanthella densities tend to be lower in temperate anemones, but data are
limited to a few species in both temperate and tropical seas. Zooxanthella
densities are far more stable over time in temperate anemones than in trop
ical anemones, suggesting that temperate symbioses are more resistant to fl
uctuations in environmental parameters such as irradiance and temperature.
Light-saturated photosynthetic rates of temperate and tropical zooxanthella
e arc similar, but temperate anemone hosts receive severely reduced carbon
supplies from zooxanthellae during winter months when light is reduced. Sym
biont transmission modes and specificity do not show any trends among anemo
nes in tropical vs. temperate seas.
Our review indicates the need for the following: (1) Investigations of othe
r temperate and tropical symbiotic anemone species to assess the generality
of trends seen in a few "model" anemones. (2) Attention to the field ecolo
gy of temperate and tropical algal-anemone symbioses, for example, how symb
ioses function under seasonally variable environmental factors and how zoox
anthellae persist at high densities in darkness and winter. The greater sta
bility of zooxanthella populations in temperate hosts may be useful to unde
rstanding tropical symbioses in which bleaching (loss of zooxanthellae) is
of major concern. (3) Study of the evolutionary history of symbiosis in bot
h temperate and tropical seas. Continued exploration of the phylogenetic re
lationships between host anemones and zooxanthella strains may show how and
why zooxanthellae differ in anemone hosts in both environments.