This paper focuses on a built environment project with a mixed ability grou
p of learners from year seven attending Deacon's School in Peterborough, En
gland. The school caters for students aged between eleven and eighteen, fro
m a wide range of ethnic and cultural backgrounds (including a substantial
minority from the Indian Sub-continent); it is an active participant within
the University of Cambridge Post Graduate Certificate in education partner
ship and is a 'beacon school'. In practical studio terms, the project was c
oncerned with school students making 'pop-up cards' based on first hand obs
ervation of local architecture under guidance of the Head of Art. [1] The f
ocus for students' learning was on their critical responses to their built
environment, in nd around the city of Peterborough. In particular, students
were encouraged to make full use of their sketchbooks and to engage in act
ive oral work. The approach taken build upon that advocated by Wolff and Ge
ahigan [2] by emphasising the relationship between students' personal engag
ement with art and design and their personal response to it through their o
wn art; students were encouraged to learn about art and design objects thro
ugh the process of reacting, researching responding and reflecting.[3]