During the course of chronic cystic fibrosis (CF) infections, Pseudomonas a
eruginosa undergoes a conversion to a mucoid phenotype, which is characteri
zed by overproduction of the exopolysaccharide alginate. Chronic P. aerugin
osa infections involve surface-attached, highly antibiotic-resistant commun
ities of microorganisms organized in biofilms. Although biofilm formation a
nd the conversion to mucoidy are both important aspects of CF pathogenesis,
the relationship between them is at the present unclear. In this study, we
report that the overproduction of alginate affects biofilm development on
an abiotic surface. Biofilms formed by an alginate-overproducing strain exh
ibit a highly structured architecture and are significantly more resistant
to the antibiotic tobramycin than a biofilm formed by an isogenic nonmucoid
strain. These results suggest that an important consequence of the convers
ion to mucoidy is an altered biofilm architecture that shows increasing res
istance to antimicrobial treatments.