Many patients with X-linked retinitis pigmentosa (XLRP) have lower than nor
mal blood levels of the long-chain polyunsaturated omega3 fatty acid docosa
hexaenoic acid (DHA; 22:6 omega3). This clinical trial was designed to test
whether downregulation of DHA biosynthesis might be responsible for these
reduced DHA levels. DHA biosynthesis was assessed in five severely affected
patients with XLRP and in five age-matched controls by quantifying convers
ion of [U-C-13]alpha -linolenic acid (alpha -LNA) to [C-13]DHA. Following o
ral administration of [U-C-13]alpha -LNA, blood samples were collected at d
esignated intervals for 21 days and isotopic enrichment of all omega3 fatty
acids was determined by gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy. Activity of
each metabolic step in the conversion of alpha -LNA to DHA was determined b
y comparison of the ratios of the integrated concentration of C-13-product
to C-13-precursor in plasma total lipid fractions. The ratio of [C-13]DHA t
o [C-13]18:3 omega3 (the entire pathway) and that of [C-13]20:5 omega3 to [
C-13]20:4 omega3 (Delta (5)-desaturase) were significantly lower in patient
s versus controls (P = 0.03 and 0.05, respectively). The estimated biosynth
etic rates of [C-13]20:5 omega3, [C-13]22:5 omega3, [C-13]24:5 omega3, [C-1
3]24:6C omega3, and [C-13]22:6 omega3 were significantly lower in XLRP pati
ents (42%, 43%, 31%, 18%, and 32% of control values, respectively; P < 0.04
), supporting down-regulation of <Delta>(5)-desaturase in XLRP. The disappe
arance of C-13-labeled fatty acids from plasma was not greater in XLRP pati
ents compared with controls, suggesting that XLRP was not associated with i
ncreased rates of fatty acid oxidation or other routes of catabolism. Thus,
despite individual variation among both patients and controls, the data ar
e consistent with a lower rate of Delta (5)-desaturation, suggesting that d
ecreased biosynthesis of DHA may contribute to lower blood levels of DHA in
patients with XLRP.