Background: The source and regulatory mechanisms that elevate beta-endorphi
n (beta -EP) approximately twofold higher than circulating plasma levels in
the colostrum of lactating mothers are still unknown, and no studies have
examined beta -EP availability previously during maturation phases of human
milk. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine whether concentrat
ions of beta -EP vary over time between colostrum, transitional, and mature
breast-milk and to evaluate whether this depends on the method of delivery
Methods: Mothers of healthy full-term and pre-term newborn infants who plan
ned to breast-feed their newborn infants were considered for this study. Th
ey were consecutively recruited in one of 3 groups of 14, according to deli
very method: group 1, vaginal delivery at term (gestational age 40.2 +/- 0.
3 weeks; birth vaginal delivery weight, 3.48 +/- 0.09 kg); group 2, preterm
. vaginal (gestational age, 35.6 +/- 0.3 weeks; birth weight, 2.49 +/- 0.08
kg); and group 3, at-term elective cesarean section (gestational age, 39.0
+/- 0.3 weeks; birth weight. 3.32 +/- 0.14 kg). Three consecutive breast m
ilk samples were obtained on the fourth day after birth, before each mother
's discharge, and thereafter on the 10th and 30th postpartum days, close to
expression of the colostrum, transitional, and mature milk production phas
es, respectively, to test beta -EP concentrations (beta -Endorphin I-125 RI
A; INCSTAR Corporation, Stillwater, MN). Data are presented as mean +/- sta
ndard deviation. Statistical comparison of beta -EP concentration among the
three lactating mother groups was performed using the Kruskal-Wallis nonpa
rametric test. In addition, to test the hypothesis of a trend toward smalle
r values with time of beta -EP, the authors computed within each mother gro
up a P value per trend (Kruskal-Wallis test) of beta -EP concentration aver
ages on the 4th, 10th, and 30th days, respectively. Student's t test for in
dependent samples was used for the analysis of the other data. The 0.05 sig
nificance level was used in the statistical analysis. All computations were
made by computer.
Results: Colostrum beta -EP concentrations on the fourth postpartum day of
group 1 and group 2 mothers who were delivered of a neonate vaginally, at t
erm, or prematurely were significantly higher (P < 0.01) than colostrum lev
els of group 3 mothers who underwent cesarean section. Group 2 mothers who
were delivered of a neonate vaginally and prematurely presented the highest
<beta>-EP concentrations (P < 0.05), lasting until the transitional milk p
hase (10th day). No significant differences were found across all 3 groups
of lactating mothers in mature milk (30th day) <beta>-EP concentrations. In
addition, the beta -EP trend toward smaller values with time within each o
f the three groups on days 4, 10, and 30 was statistically significant (P <
0.01 per trend).
Conclusions: It is hypothesized that elevated <beta>-EP concentrations in c
olostrum and transitional milk of mothers who were vaginally delivered of i
nfants may contribute to postnatal fetal adaptation, to overcoming birth st
ress of natural labor and delivery, and at the same time to the postnatal d
evelopment of several related biologic functions of breast-fed infants.