Hyperarousal Scale scores for certain self-reported behaviors reportedly co
rrelate with EEG arousal measures. We tested whether an insomnia subject gr
oup had different Hyperarousal Scale scores compared with hypersomnia, dela
yed sleep phase syndrome, procrastinator or normal subject groups. Compared
with 139 normal subjects, mean scores for a group of 256 insomnia subjects
was significantly 1.2 S.D. higher on Hyperarousal total scale score, 0.82
S.D. higher on React subscale score and 0.85 S.D. higher on Introspectivene
ss subscale score. The insomnia group median Extreme score was 2.25 times t
hat of the normal group. These self-report findings suggest that insomnia s
ubjects may be more responsive generally. All sleep disorder groups had inc
reased total Hyperarousal scores, although these increases were accounted f
or by different scale items. The procrastinator group had Hyperarousal scor
e patterns that generally differed from those of the other groups. (C) 2001
Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.