Given the importance of copepods in the Southern Ocean food web, there are
few assessments of their N budgets or their role in regenerating N. In this
study we measured elemental composition and ammonium-excretion rates of co
pepods and small euphausiids, and estimated the role of metazoans in recycl
ing ammonium in the South Georgia region. Measurements were made during sum
mer on animals ranging over about two orders of magnitude in body mass. A p
hytoplankton bloom extended throughout the study area, and high C and dry m
asses of late-stage copepodites suggested good recent feeding conditions. E
xcretion rates declined roughly exponentially during the similar to1 day in
cubations in filtered sea water. The patterns observed suggested that the o
nset of starvation rather than the stress of capture caused this. Allometri
c relationships between body mass in and excretion rate R were derived usin
g the equation R = am(b). Large compilations of literature data produce a v
alue of b (the body-mass scaling coefficient) of 0.7-0.8. However, in this
study, b ranged from 0.57 (for C as the unit of body mass) to 0.71 for N as
the unit of body mass. Such low values are also common to previous studies
of feeding and excretion among Antarctic copepods. We suggest that this re
flects peculiarities of polar environments, namely, lipid storage and diapa
use in the largest copepods. Previous studies have suggested that ammonium
is a preferred N source for algae at South Georgia. Based on the monitoring
of a region to the north-east of South Georgia and on zooplankton abundanc
e and excretion rates from this study, we estimate that within the upper mi
xed layer the copepods and small euphausiids excrete at least one third of
the ammonium potentially required by phytoplankton. Krill excretion in this
area was measured in a previous study, and it appears that mesozooplankton
and krill are together significant regenerators of N in parts of the South
Georgia pelagic system.