Elastic anisotropy in the Earth's inner core has been attributed to a prefe
rred lattice orientation(1), which may be acquired during solidification of
the inner core(2) or developed subsequent to solidification as a result of
plastic deformation(3-5). But solidification texturing alone cannot explai
n the observed depth dependence of anisotropy(6-8), and previous suggestion
s for possible deformation processes have all relied on radial flow, which
is inhibited by thermal(9) and chemical stratification(10). Here we investi
gate the development of anisotropy as the inner core deforms plastically un
der the influence of electromagnetic (Maxwell) shear stresses. We estimate
the flow caused by a representative magnetic field using polycrystal plasti
city simulations for epsilon -iron, where the imposed deformation is accomm
odated by basal and prismatic slip(11). We find that individual grains in a
n initially random polycrystal become preferentially oriented with their c
axes parallel to the equatorial plane. This pattern is accentuated if defor
mation is accompanied by recrystallization. Using the single-crystal elasti
c properties of epsilon -iron at core pressure and temperature(12), we aver
age over the simulated orientation distribution to obtain a pattern of elas
tic anisotropy which is similar to that observed seismologically(13,14).