Coregistration of functional brain images across many subjects offers sever
al experimental advantages and is widely used for studies in humans. Voxel-
based coregistration methods require a high-quality 3-D template image, pre
ferably one that corresponds to a published atlas. Template images are avai
lable for human, but we could not find an appropriate template for neuroima
ging studies in baboon. Here we describe the formation of a T1-weighted str
uctural MR template image and a PET blood flow template, derived from 9 and
7 baboons, respectively. Custom software aligns individual MR images to th
e MRI template; human supervision is needed only to initially estimate any
gross rotational misalignment. In these aligned individual images, internal
subcortical fiducial points correspond closely to a photomicrographic babo
on atlas with an average error of 1.53 mm. Cortical test points showed a me
an error of 1.99 min compared to the mean location for each point. Alignmen
t of individual PET blood flow images directly to the PET template was comp
ared to a two-step alignment process via each subject's MR image. The two t
ransformations were identical within 0.41 mm, 0.54 degrees, and 1.0% (trans
lation, rotation, and linear stretch; mean). These quantities provide a che
ck on the validity of the alignment software as well as of the template ima
ges. The baboon structural AIR and blood flow PET templates are available o
n the Internet ( and can be used as targets for any i
mage registration software. (C) 2001 Academic Press.