Automation of fiber-to-optic alignment is critical to the development of co
st effective fiber-optic component manufacturing technologies. Key to the a
lignment automation is the angular alignment automation, which is now unava
ilable. But angular misalignments are unavoidable in practical fiber-optic
aligning process. This work evaluates the effects of pitch, yaw, and roll a
ngular misalignments for a butt coupling scheme involving the optical coupl
ing between a single-mode fiber and a laser diode. It is demonstrated that
the coupling efficiency and misalignment tolerance are more sensitive to ti
lt, i.e., pitch and yaw angular misalignments than lateral ones. It is furt
her demonstrated that the time for locating the optimal coupling position u
sing conventional hillclimbing automation searching algorithm is a strong f
unction of angular misalignments. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.