M. Sakakibara, Cooperative research and development: who participates and in which industries do projects take place?, RES POLICY, 30(7), 2001, pp. 993-1018
This article identifies the characteristics of industry categories to which
cooperative R&D participants belong and in which cooperative R&D projects
occur, while focusing on the systematic linkages between these categories.
The analysis is based upon 186 Japanese government-sponsored R&D consortia
with 627 participants spanning three decades. The motives for cooperative R
&D are found to be analogous to the motives for diversification. The result
s show that: firms in profitable or oligopolistic industries are motivated
to form cooperative R&D projects in industries which have higher growth rat
es than their own industries (except in the 1960s); firms in R&D-intensive
industries conduct cooperative R&D projects in order to enter R&D-intensive
industries; and, projects tend to be formed in industries which have a str
ong vertical relationship with the participants. There is evidence that the
se government-sponsored cooperative R&D projects tend to occur in industrie
s with a large minimum efficient scale in R&D in the 1970s, though this ten
dency is much weaker or non-existent in other decades. There is no evidence
that projects tend to occur in industries which have appropriability probl
ems. On the contrary, there is evidence in the 1970s that projects were for
med in industries with strong appropriability conditions. (C) 2001 Elsevier
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