Movement, cognition, emotion, and positive reinforcement are influenced by
mesostriatal, mesocortical, and mesolimbic dopamine systems. We describe a
fourth major pathway originating from mesencephalic dopamine neurons: a mes
othalamic system. The dopamine transporter, specific to dopamine containing
axons, was histochemically visualized in thalamic motor and limbic-related
nuclei and regions that modulate behavioral state as opposed to sensory nu
clei in rats, nonhuman primates, and humans. Anatomical tracing established
this innervation's origin via axon collaterals from the mesostriatal pathw
ay. These findings implicate the thalamus as a novel site for disease speci
fic alterations in dopamine neurotransmission, such as exist with nigral. d
egeneration attending Parkinson's disease. This was confirmed in hemiparkin
sonian animals where reduction of thalamic dopamine innervation occurred co
incident with signs of active axonal degeneration. Individual mesencephalic
dopamine neurons therefore have the potential to modulate normal and patho
logic behavior not only through traditional nigrostriatal. pathways but als
o by way of axon collaterals that innervate the thalamus.