At least 511 medicinal plant species are traded commercially in 50 Witwater
srand umuthi shops. The plants are listed alphabetically by genus and commo
n (vernacular) name. The orthographic vernacular names, as well as the orth
ographic variations in these names, are incorporated into the list. Annotat
ions include the plant family, the number of umuthi shops stocking the spec
ies, the language of the common name, and the plant part traded. The plant
family in the region which has the highest number of species and infraspeci
fic taxa in trade is Liliaceae sensu lato., followed in descending order by
Fabaceae, Asteraceae, Euphorbiaceae and Amaryllidaceae. Approximately 88.6
% of the vernacular names are in Zulu. The mean number of umuthi shops per
species is 12.3, ranging from 1 to 41. Three hundred and fifty three specie
s (69.2%) occur in the four northern provinces, and 23 species are listed a
s threatened on the Red Data List.