Based on analogy with butadiene and isoprene, the metabolism of P-chloropre
ne (2-chloro-1,3-butadiene, CD) to reactive intermediates is likely to be a
key determinant of tumor development in laboratory rodents exposed to CD b
y inhalation. The purpose of this study is to identify species differences
in toxic metabolite (epoxide) formation and detoxification in rodents and h
umans. The in-vitro metabolism of CD was studied in liver microsomes of B6C
3F1 mice, Fischer/344 and Wistar rats, Syrian hamsters, and humans. Microso
mal oxidation of CD in the presence of NADP(+), extraction with diethyl eth
er, and analysis by GC-mass selective detection (MSD) indicated that (1-chl
oroethenyl)oxirane (CEO) was an important metabolite of CD in the liver mic
rosomal suspensions of all species studied. Other potential water-soluble o
xidative metabolites may have been present. The oxidation of CID was inhibi
ted by 4-methyl pyrazole, an inhibitor of CYP 2E1. CEO was sufficiently vol
atile at 37 degreesC for vial headspace analysis using GC-MSD single ion mo
nitoring (m/z = 39). CEO was synthesized and used to conduct partition meas
urements along with CD and further explore CEO metabolism in liver microsom
es and cytosol. The liquid-to-air partition coefficients for CD and CEO in
the microsomal suspensions were 0.7 and 58, respectively. Apparent species
differences in the uptake of CEO by microsomal hydrolysis were hamster simi
lar to human>rats> mice. Hydrolysis was inhibited by 1,1,1-trichloropropene
oxide, a competitive inhibitor of epoxide hydrolase. A preliminary experim
ent indicated that the uptake of CEO in liver cytosol by GSH conjugation wa
s hamster>rats similar to mice (human cytosol not yet tested). In general,
the results suggest that metabolism may help explain species differences sh
owing a greater sensitivity for CD-induced tumorigenicity in mice, for exam
ple, compared with hamsters. Additional experiments are in progress to quan
tify the kinetic parameters of CD oxidation and CEO metabolism by enzymatic
hydrolysis and conjugation by glutathione S-transferase for in cytosol. A
future goal is to use the kinetic rates to parameterize a physiologically b
ased toxicokinetic model and relate the burden of toxic metabolite to the c
ancer dose-response observed in experimental animals. (C) 2001 Elsevier Sci
ence Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.