For many growing axons, interaction with an extracelluar Semaphorin signal
leads to growth cone collapse and axon repulsion. Semaphorin receptors comp
osed of Neuropilins and Plexins transduce extracellular cues into changes i
n the growth cone actin cytoskeleton. The data implicating Rho family G pro
teins in Semaphorin signaling and in other axon guidance events are conside
red here. Recent work makes it clear that Rac1 is required for this process
. In particular, there is intriguing new evidence that the Plexin receptors
communicate directly with members of the Rho family GTPases, although unce
rtainties remain concerning how Plexins alter Rac1 function. The CRMP (coll
apsin response mediator protein) family is also required for Plexin-based S
emaphorin signaling, and new data demonstrate direct links to Rho and Rac1-
based signaling.