A new CMOS imager having a motion detection function has been developed. Th
is: CMOS imager can detect the motion of the image projected on a sensor ar
ray,. scan automatically only a partial area including a place where the mo
tion is detected as the focus. As a result, reducing the amount of data tra
nsfer and improving the frame rate have become possible. The detection of a
moving body can be performed by motion detector circuits, which operate re
gardless of the frame rate. The motion detectors are sparsely placed in the
sensor array to maintain the high pixel density. Other circuit techniques
include the unity-gain pixel amps, and a multistage readout circuit. A 5.8-
x 8.7-mm chip including 192 x 192 pixels and 7 x 7 motion detectors has be
en developed using a 0.35-mum CMOS three-layer metal process. technology. E
xperimental results have successfully confirmed the functions of the chip.
(C) 2001 Scripta Technica.