The weight and use of schoolbags amongst 140 students (70 third form studen
ts comprising 35 females and 35 males, and 70 sixth form students comprisin
g 35 females and 35 males) from five New Zealand secondary schools was inve
stigated. Third form students, who were smaller in stature and weight than
sixth form students, were found to carry 13.2% of their body weight in scho
olbags, while sixth form students carried 10.3% of their body weight. Third
form students reported carrying their schoolbags for a longer period of ti
me than sixth form students. Third form students also had less access to lo
ckers to store their schoolbooks and supplies as only one of the five schoo
ls investigated provided lockers for third form students, whereas four of t
he five schools provided lockers for sixth form students. Most students use
d backpacks to transport their supplies, and these were predominantly carri
ed on two shoulders. Heavy schoolbags, long carriage durations and lack of
access to lockers amongst third formers, could contribute to the production
or maintenance of musculoskeletal symptoms. This study suggests that third
form students may be at a higher risk of developing musculoskeletal sympto
ms than sixth form students.