The cytoskeleton of the mammalian egg and early embryo is highly unique whe
n compared to the cytoskeleton of their somatic cell brethren. Although all
three cytoskeletal systems, actin filaments, microtubules, and intermediat
e filaments, are present as early as the unfertilized egg; each system has
adapted features that allow the egg and early embryo to meet the strict dem
ands of the developmental process. The major demands placed upon eggs and e
mbryos are developmental transitions (i.e., fertilization, compaction, blas
tocyst formation, germ layer formation and gastrulation), each of which mus
t be traversed in order for the embryo to form a new individual. To success
fully complete all of the necessary processes during early development, egg
s and embryos must call upon many signal transduction mechanisms, cytoskele
tal components, and genes that are both unique to embryogenesis and ubiquit
ous among many types of somatic cells. It is the goal of this review to pro
vide some current details into the mechanisms that drive early development
primarily focusing on the cytoskeletal components eggs and embryos have ada
pted to promote embryogenesis.