Non-destructive examination plays an essential role in maintenance programm
es to assure operation of industrial plants. Life of radiant catalyst tubes
of reformer units exposed to high pressure and temperature is limited by c
reep damage. Present inspection techniques offer unreliable results, removi
ng tubes from service in a very conservative manner or occurring unexpected
tube ruptures. Existing ultrasonic methods rely on the analysis of ultraso
nic amplitude of the received signal((1)). Due to the material coarse struc
ture, this produces qualitative assessment as well as, on occasions, unreli
able results. To overcome these limitations, a multi-interrogation ultrason
ic technique and correlation of several parameters such as attenuation, ene
rgy and tube diameter with material features is devised. This paper describ
es the principles of the ultrasonic method for creep, damage detection as w
ell as details of the inspection system. Results of measurements performed
on representative damaged specimens are also shown, including relationships
between ultrasonic and metallurgical parameters.