The amount of energy produced by gas turbines is increasing all over the wo
rld. One important part in these gas turbines is the turbine blading. Impro
ved blades and vanes are being introduced while the industry also uses the
old generation of blade types. Applicable NDT methods are needed for all bl
ade types. Many NDT methods can be applied in laboratory environment. This
overview describes a variety of methods for blade inspection such as dye pe
netrant, eddy current, radiography and ultrasonic methods. Some of these me
thods are considered on the basis of the experience gained in measurements.
One new UT method is described, easily transferable for practical inspecti
ons on site. A wide-aperture VTT probe has been developed for the put-pose.
With this special probe, different blade properties can be measured, such
as coating thickness, detection and size of cracks, delaminations as well a
s mechanical properties.