A numerical technique based on Brownian dynamic simulation for the aggregat
ion of charged particles in the free molecular regime is presented. The Lan
gevin equation is used for tracking each particle making up an aggregate. A
periodic boundary condition is used for calculation of the aggregation pro
cess in each cell with 500 primary particles of 16 nm in diameter. Particle
motion is based on the thermal force and the electrostatic force, The elec
trostatic force on a particle in the simulation cell is considered as a sum
of electrostatic forces from other particles in the original cell and its
replicate cells. We assume that the electric charges accumulated on an aggr
egate are located on its center of mass, and aggregates are only charged wi
th pre-charged primary particles. The morphological shape of aggregates is
described in terms of the fractal dimension. The fractal dimension for the
uncharged aggregate was D-f = 1.761, and changed slightly for the various a
mounts of bipolar charge. However, in case of unipolar charge, the fractal
dimension decreased from 1.641 to 1.537 with the increase of the average nu
mber of charges on the particles from 0.2 to 0.3 in initial states. During
the early and middle stages of aggregation process, the average aggregate s
ize in the bipolar charge state was larger than in the uncharged state, but
was almost equal in the final stage. On the other hand, in the unipolar ch
arge state, the average size of an aggregate and the dispersion of particle
volume decreased with increasing charge. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. Al
l rights reserved.