Aims: To examine the presence of lactic acid bacteria (LAB: enterococci, st
reptococci and lactobacilli) in the pigeon crop.
Methods and Results: The crops of 10 pigeons were sampled and inoculated on
agar plates for isolation of streptococci, enterococci and lactobacilli. T
he isolates were identified using tDNA-PCR. Lactobacillus agilis, a species
described in 1981 from municipal sewage, was the dominant component in eig
ht of these pigeon crop sacs. A Lactobacillus species related to L. ferment
um and L. mucosae but probably not belonging to one of these species was is
olated from five birds. Three pigeons carried Enterococcus cecorum. Minor s
pecies found were E. columbae, E. faecalis, E. hirae, L. johnsonii, L. sali
varius, and Streptococcus gallolyticus. A description is given of the pheno
typic characteristics of the L. agilis pigeon strains.
Conclusions, Significance and Impact of the Study: L. agilis is found to be
the main component of the LAB flora in the pigeon crop.