We have used positron emission tomography (PET) to identify, the neural sub
strate of two major cognitive components of working memory (WM), maintenanc
e and manipulation of a single elementary visual attribute, i.e., the orien
tation of a grating presented in central vision. This approach allowed us t
o equate difficulty across tasks and prevented subjects from using verbal s
trategies or vestibular cues, Maintenance of orientations involved a distri
buted fronto-parietal network, that is, left and right lateral superior fro
ntal sulcus (SFSl), bilateral ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (VLPFC), bila
teral precuneus, and right superior parietal lobe (SPL). A more medial supe
rior frontal sulcus region (SFSm) was identified as being instrumental in t
he manipulative operation of updating orientations retained in the WM. Func
tional connectivity analysis revealed that orientation WM relies on a coord
inated interaction between frontal and parietal regions. In general, the cu
rrent findings confirm the distinction between maintenance and manipulative
processes, highlight the functional heterogeneity in the prefrontal cortex
(PFC), and suggest a more dynamic view of WM as a process requiring the co
ordinated interaction of anatomically distinct brain areas.