In 3 studies, we examined the hypothesis that the effects of stereotype usa
ge on target judgments are moderated by causal uncertainty beliefs and rela
ted accuracy goal structures. In Study 1, we focused on the role of chronic
ally accessible causal uncertainty beliefs as predictors of a target's leve
l of guilt for an alleged academic misconduct offense. In Study 2, we exami
ned the role of chronic causal uncertainty reduction goals and a manipulate
d accuracy goal; in Study 3, we investigated the role of primed causal unce
rtainty beliefs on guilt judgments. In all 3 studies, we found that activat
ion of causal uncertainty beliefs and accuracy concerns was related to a re
duced usage of stereotypes. Moreover, this reduction was not associated wit
h participants' levels of perceived control, depression, state affect, need
for cognition, or personal need for structure. Results are discussed in te
rms of their implications for the model of causal uncertainty and, more gen
erally, in terms of the motivational processes underlying stereotype usage.