Topological and geometrical properties of the set of mixed quantum states i
n the N-dimensional Hilbert space are analysed. Assuming that the correspon
ding classical dynamics takes place on the sphere we use the vector SU(2) c
oherent states and the generalized Husimi distributions to define the Monge
distance between two arbitrary density matrices. The Monge metric has a si
mple semiclassical interpretation and induces a non-trivial geometry. Among
all pure states the distance from the maximally mixed state p(*), proporti
onal to the identity matrix, admits the largest value for the coherent stat
es, while the delocalized 'chaotic' states are close to p(*). This contrast
s the geometry induced by the standard (trace, Hilbert-Schmidt or Bures) me
trics, for which the distance from p(*) is the same for all pure states. We
discuss possible physical consequences including unitary time evolution an
d the process of decoherence. We introduce also a simplified Monge metric,
defined in the space of pure quantum states and more suitable for numerical