This prospective descriptive study was undertaken to determine: the proport
ion of paediatric oncology patients with prior exposure to hepatitis B at c
ancer diagnosis. the risk and risk factors for acquisition of hepatitis B i
nfection during chemotherapy; and the development of a prevention policy. S
ixty African children were included in this study. At the time of cancer di
agnosis, 67.7 per cent had not been exposed to hepatitis B, and none had ac
tive infection. After follow-up (median of 20 months; range 4-81 months) 23
.3 per cent had active hepatitis B infection, which was subclinical in the
majority of cases. The diagnosis of leukaemia/lymphoma posed a major risk f
actor for the acquisition of active hepatitis B infection (chi-square 7.0;p
-value = 0.008), probably due to intensive chemotherapy regimens and severi
ty of immunosuppression. No association with gender, age, place of origin,
or number of blood transfusions was found. Patients with leukaemia/lymphoma
were at an increased risk for horizontal transmission of hepatitis B. A po
licy of active surveillance for infective carriers of hepatitis B infection
and passive immunization of seronegative immunosuppressed patients must be
implemented to limit the endemic infection in paediatric oncology units.