Aims: To detect and isolate Bacillus anthracis from the air by a simple and
rapid procedure.
Methods and Results: One hundred litres of air were filtered through an air
monitor device. After the membrane was suspended in PBS, spores of B. anth
racis were added. The suspension was plated on Bacillus cereus selective ag
ar (BCA) plates to detect B. anthracis colonies. The suspension was also he
ated at 95 degreesC for 15 min and used for real-time PCR using a Light Cyc
ler system and anthrax-specific primers.
Conclusions: A single cell of B. anthracis was detected by real-time PCR wi
thin I h and was also isolated on a BCA plate within two d.
Significance and Impact of the Study: Our results provide evidence that ant
hrax spores from the atmosphere can be detected rapidly, suggesting that re
al-time PCR and a Light Cycler provides a flexible and powerful tool to pre
vent epidemics.