In this study, six plasmids were constructed to study the effects of the to
bacco Rb7 matrix attachment region (MAR) sequence on rice transgene express
ion. Among them, each of four plasmids contained two identical copies of th
e MAR sequence flanking two different reporter genes, which encode the gree
n fluorescent protein and beta -glucuronidase. Two control plasmids contain
ed no MAR sequences. Microprojectile bombardment was used to separately int
roduce these six plasmids into rice calli. Transgenic rice plants were rege
nerated, and gene expression was measured in rice leaf extracts of two-mont
h-old transgenic plants. By comparing transgenic plants with the correspond
ing control plants, transgenic plants harboring each of four plasmids that
included the MAR sequence resulted in average gene expression levels enhanc
ed by 3.3-fold, 18-fold, 376-fold and 650-fold. These results suggest that
the same MAR sequence can affect the expression of different genes to diffe
rent extents. One goal of plant scientists and breeders is to maximize expr
ession levels of transgenes, especially in the production of transgene-enco
ded protein. Therefore, inclusion of the Rb7 MAR sequence would be benefici