The Basic Energy Sciences Synchrotron Radiation Center Collaborative Access
Team (BESSRC-CAT) has built a bending magnet beamline for spectroscopy and
scattering experiments at the Advanced Photon Source (APS). The windowless
beamline uses a water cooled, double crystal, fixed exit monochromator wit
h Si 111 crystals as the first optical element. The monochromator is capabl
e of operations from 55 degrees to 3 degrees allowing experiments from appr
oximately 2.5-30keV. A monochromatic double mirror system located in the wh
ite-beam enclosure focuses the beam in the experimental station, When the f
irst mirror is removed energies above the mirror cutoff (similar to 22 keV)
can be used. The 12BM-B user station is equipped for scattering (Huber 6-c
ircle diffractometer) and spectroscopy (optical table, ion chambers and sol
id state detectors) experiments, (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights