The XMaS beamline is situated on dipole BM28 at the European Synchrotron Ra
diation Facility (ESRF). It has been designed to perform magnetic and high-
resolution diffraction for a British Collaborating Research Group (CRG) ove
r an energy range of 3-15 keV in a focused monochromatic beam mode. Since t
he beamline became operational in April 1998, various instrument developmen
ts have been made. These include both mechanical and opto-mechanical device
s of general interest to the SR community, three of which are highlighted i
n this paper. Firstly, a motorised x, y, z sample mount capable of holding
an APD cryostat has been developed; this device is useful not only for init
ial sample alignment, but also in mapping a sample for the location of sing
le crystallites. Secondly, novel in-vacuum slits have been developed which
allow definition of the beam footprint close to the sample. Thirdly, togeth
er with Huber Diffraction GmbH, an in-vacuum polarisation analyser for the
analysis of magnetic scattering has been developed. (C) 2001 Elsevier Scien
ce B.V. All rights reserved.