Gj. Escobar et al., A randomized comparison of home visits and hospital-based group follow-up visits after early postpartum discharge, PEDIATRICS, 108(3), 2001, pp. 719-727
Objective. Short postpartum stays are common. Current guidelines provide sc
ant guidance on how routine follow-up of newly discharged mother-infant pai
rs should be performed. We aimed to compare 2 short-term (within 72 hours o
f discharge) follow-up strategies for low-risk mother-infant pairs with pos
tpartum length of stay (LOS) of <48 hours: home visits by a nurse and hospi
tal-based follow-up anchored in group visits.
Methods. We used a randomized clinical trial design with intention-to-treat
analysis in an integrated managed care setting that serves a largely middl
e class population. Mother-infant pairs that met LOS and risk criteria were
randomized to the control arm (hospital-based followup) or to the interven
tion arm (home nurse visit). Clinical utilization and costs were studied us
ing computerized databases and chart review. Breastfeeding continuation, ma
ternal depressive symptoms, and maternal satisfaction were assessed by mean
s of telephone interviews at 2 weeks postpartum.
Results. During a 17-month period in 1998 to 1999, we enrolled and randomiz
ed 1014 mother-infant pairs (506 to the control group and 508 to the interv
ention group). There were no significant differences between the study grou
ps with respect to maternal age, race, education, household income, parity,
previous breastfeeding experience, early initiation of prenatal care, or p
ostpartum LOS. There were no differences with respect to neonatal LOS or Ap
gar scores. In the control group, 264 mother-infant pairs had an individual
visit only, 157 had a group visit only, 64 had both a group and an individ
ual visit, 4 had a home health and a hospital-based follow-up, 13 had no fo
llow-up within 72 hours, and 4 were lost to follow-up. With respect to outc
omes within 2 weeks after discharge, there were no significant differences
in newborn or maternal hospitalizations or urgent care visits, breastfeedin
g discontinuation, maternal depressive symptoms, or a combined clinical out
come measure indicating whether a mother-infant pair had any of the above o
utcomes. However, mothers in the home visit group were more likely than tho
se in the control group to rate multiple aspects of their care as excellent
or very good. These included the preventive advice delivered (76% vs 59%)
and the skills and abilities of the provider (84% vs 73%). Mothers in the h
ome visit group also gave higher ratings on overall satisfaction with the n
ewborn's posthospital care (71% vs 59%), as well as with their own posthosp
ital care (63% vs 55%). The estimated cost of a postpartum home visit to th
e mother and the newborn was $265. In contrast, the cost of the hospital-ba
sed group visit was $22 per mother-infant pair; the cost of an individual 1
5-minute visit with a registered nurse was $52; the cost of a 15-minute ind
ividual pediatrician visit was $92; and the cost of a 10-minute visit with
an obstetrician was $92.
Conclusions. For low-risk mothers and newborns in an integrated managed car
e organization, home visits compared with hospital-based follow-up and grou
p visits were more costly but achieved comparable clinical outcomes and wer
e associated with higher maternal satisfaction. Neither strategy is associa
ted with significantly greater success at increasing continuation of breast
feeding. This study had limited power to identify group differences in reho
spitalization and may not be generalizable to higher-risk populations witho
ut comparable access to integrated hospital and outpatient care.