This study provides preliminary data on the positional behavior and habitat
use of the Philippine tarsier, Tarsius syrichta, which was studied in its
natural habitat on the island of Leyte. The locomotor behavior of T syricht
a is quite comparable to the other species of tarsiers but frequency of use
of different postures and support types does seem to distinguish this spec
ies from the others. Tarsius bancanus appears to be the most specialized, u
sing vertical clinging postures the most frequently and sitting the least;
Tarsius dianae uses vertical clinging the least frequently and sitting the
most, and T syrichta is intermediate. The Philippine tarsier has a small ho
me range similar to that of T spectrum. On the other hand, this species lik
ely does not have the small family groups typical of Sulawesi tarsiers but
instead uses a noyau system like T bancanus. This data supports some aspect
s of NIEMITZ'S (1977) model of anatomical and behavioral specialization amo
ng tarsier species.