Monitoring landcover and landcover change at regional and global scales oft
en requires Landsat data to identify and map landscape features and pattern
s with sufficient detail. Analytical methods based on image-by-image interp
retation are too time-consuming and labor-intensive for studies of large ar
eas to be undertaken with any degree of frequency. One potential solution i
s to develop algorithms or classifiers that can be generalized beyond the a
rena of the initial training to new images from different spatial, temporal
or sensor domains. Building upon earlier success with a generalized classi
fier to monitor forest change, we now address the question of generalizatio
n for classifications of stable landcovers. We evaluate the ability of a su
pervised neural network, Fuzzy ARTMAP, to identify conifer forest across ti
me and space with Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) images for a region in north
west Oregon. We also assess the effects of atmospheric corrections on gener
alized classification accuracies. Using midsummer images atmospherically co
rrected with a simple dark-object-subtraction (DOS) method, there is no sta
tistically significant loss of accuracy as the classification is extended f
rom the initial training image to other images from the same scene (path an
d row): temporal generalization is successful. Extending the classifier acr
oss space and time to nearby scenes results in a mean decline of 8-13% accu
racy depending on the atmospheric correction used. Obvious sources of error
, such as seasonality solar angle variation, and complexity of landcover id
entification, do not explain the decline in error. Additionally, the patter
ns in generalization accuracies are complex, and the relationship between p
airs of training and testing images is not necessarily reciprocal, i.e., go
od training data are not necessarily good testing data. Simple DOS atmosphe
ric corrections produce classifications with comparable accuracies as class
ifications from the more complex radiative transfer corrections. These find
ings are based on over 200 classifications. A high degree of variability in
the classification accuracies underscores the importance of extensive, in-
depth analysis of remote sensing techniques and applications, and highlight
s the potential problem for misleading results based on just a few tests. G
eneralization is well suited for multitemporal classifications of one Lands
at scene. Using simple DOS and midsummer images, generalization offers the
opportunity for frequent landcover mapping of a Landsat scene without havin
g to retrain the classifier for each time period of interest. However, at t
his point, the utility of regional landcover mapping with a generalized cla
ssifier remains limited. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. Alt rights reserved