Local material parameters in microtechnical compounds and components can be
determined by comparing experimental results with results of numerical sim
ulation (parameter identification). Microscopic dimensions of the objects u
nder investigation and very small deformations are typical conditions that
have to be taken into account by using measurement methods with high accura
cy and resolution and a loading equipment with excellent thermal and mechan
ical stability. Especially for digital holography, but also for other optic
al measuring methods (structured light, gray scale correlation) a loading d
evice has been developed and constructed which widely avoids external error
influences such as vibrations, optical discontinuities caused by thermal i
nduced air turbulence, and undesirable thermal induced shifts of the compon
ents of the loading device itself. These features allow the inspection of t
he behaviour of microstructures under well defined thermal or thermomechani
cal loading conditions.