The introduction of the DRG-System will be followed by severe changes in th
e German hospitals. From the view of today departments or hospitals are thr
eated by closing if they do not deal with the new rules. A common implement
ation of this system by all participants of the health system is necessary
before the introduction at 1.1. 2003. Only this will guarantee an adequate
presentation of the different defaults in the future because the conditions
of the implementation of the system are not qualified yet. The hospitals a
re forced to prepare the introduction of the DRG-System, however. Only the
Arrangement of an extensive documentation of all diagnoses and all conserva
tive and operation methods together with a cost-cutting administration will
be consequently followed by a financial healthy situation. The most import
ant points to be emphasized are the medical documentation, the controlling,
the improvement of the processes and the computer assisted documentation.
By an intensive information concerning all further resources the involvemen
t of the employees of the hospital is a necessary part for the success of t
he introduction.