Aim: The pigmented vilionodular synovitis (PVNS) is a tumour like disease o
f unknown origin that often shows recurrence. The pathogenesis is still unk
nown and therefore the question of the right therapy is not resolved. Mater
ial: With a case report of a patient with recurrence after two arthroscopic
synovectomies PVNS is discussed against the background of the clinical, hi
stological,and radiological features. Results: We performed an open synovec
tomy and cystic lesions in both condyles of the femur and proximal tibia we
re filled with homologous and autologous cancellous bone. Three months late
r the patient had no pain and the bone density in the former cystic lesions
was appropriate. Discussion: The pathogenesis is still unknown. Diagnosis
often is obtained much too late due to missing specific symptoms. PVNS occu
rs in local forms as well as in a diffuse growth pattern. Recurrence rates
of up to 78% are very high. Besides arthroscopic and open synovectomy, the
treatment with radiosynoviorthesis must be considered. Depending on the gro
wth pattern, the tumour masses, and the affected joint, the therapy has to
be chosen very carefully and sometimes different forms have to be combined
if a recurrence-free result is to be achieved.