A typical characteristic of complex embedded systems is their large softwar
e share that consists of software processes either being directly written i
n an implementation language like C, or being created from abstract modelin
g tools (e.g. Simulink or StateMate) using standard code generators, or bei
ng reused from previous designs (e. g. legacy code). A major challenge is t
he safe integration of these separately designed system parts. This paper f
ocuses on the formal analysis of software processes with respect to their n
on-functional properties like timing or power consumption. The proposed app
roach yields safe upper and lower bounds on these properties and has advant
ages over previous work in terms of accuracy and efficiency. Further, it is
shown how the results of this process-level analysis can be utilized to ge
nerate a model for the system-wide validation of non-functional properties.
The applicability of the approach is demonstrated using an example of a fi
lter process operating on a packet stream.