The diagnosis and clinical significance of blunt cardiac injury remains con
troversial. Cardiac troponin I is not found in skeletal muscle and has a hi
gh sensitivity for myocardial ischemia or injury. We hypothesized that norm
al troponin levels 4 to 6 hours postinjury would effectively exclude the di
agnosis of cardiac contusion. A prospective evaluation of all blunt trauma
patients older than 16 and admitted with the possible diagnosis of blunt ca
rdiac injury was undertaken. Patients in whom this diagnosis was considered
had an electrocardiogram (EKG) on admission, serum troponin, CPK and isoen
zymes 4 to 6 hours postinjury, and admission with overnight telemetry. Othe
r laboratory data and radiographic imaging was obtained as indicated. Seven
ty-two patients met criteria for entry into the study. Data was incomplete
or inaccurately obtained on six patients, and they were excluded. Forty pat
ients had normal troponins and normal EKG's on admission and were discharge
d the following day without any untoward effect. Sixteen patients were admi
tted with abnormal EKGs. All of these 16 patients had normal troponins 4 to
6 hours after their injury. They all did well and were discharged the foll
owing day. Ten patients had elevated troponins 4 to 6 hours after injury. O
ne died two days later from refractory cardiogenic shock. Another was noted
to have severely depressed left ventricular function by echocardiography.
The other eight patients sustained no cardiac sequelae and were discharged
once recovered from injuries. In the hemodynamically stable patient a norma
l troponin 4 to 6 hours after injury excludes clinically significant blunt
cardiac injury. This holds true whether the admission EKG is normal or no,.
An elevated troponin does not definitively diagnose a clinically significa
nt contusion. However, these patients should be monitored at least for 24 h
ours. Patients suspicious for cardiac contusions who have normal troponins
and no other serious injuries may be safely discharged to go home from the
emergency department.