New outcrops of Hope Bay Formation and Larsen Basin rocks have been exposed
by recent ice-retreat on Tabarin Peninsula, northern Antarctic Peninsula.
Quartzose, very low-grade metasedimentary rocks, cropping out at Balegno Nu
natak (63 degrees 28'53"S, 57 degrees 00'31"W) are assigned to the Permian-
Triassic Hope Bay Formation, and dioritic rocks are assigned to the Antarct
ic Peninsula batholith. Sedimentary rocks exposed at Rubulis Nunatak (63 de
grees 30'52"S, 57 degrees 07'29"W) closely resemble Lower Cretaceous sedime
ntary rocks cropping out at nearby Troilo Nunatak, western Tabarin Peninsul
a. These rocks are correlated with the lower Gustav Group (?Barremian-Conia
cian) of the Larsen Basin. This new record confirms that the Larsen Basin e
xtends over southern Tabarin Peninsula, where basin sediments are thought t
o be faulted against sediments of the Antarctic Peninsula magmatic arc.