We describe a new implementation of a parallel Tree-SPH code with the aim o
f simulating galaxy formation and evolution. The code has been parallelized
using SHMEM, a Cray proprietary library to handle communications between t
he 256 processors of the Silicon Graphics T3E massively parallel supercompu
ter hosted by the Cineca Super-computing Center (Bologna, Italy). The code
combines the smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method to solve hydrodyn
amical equations with the popular Barnes and Hut (1986) tree-code to perfor
m gravity calculation with a N x log N scaling, and it is based on the scal
ar Tree-SPH code developed by Carraro et al. (1998). Parallelization is ach
ieved by distributing particles along processors according to a workload cr
iterion. Benchmarks of the code, in terms of load balance and scalability,
are analysed and critically discussed against the adiabatic collapse of an
isothermal gas sphere test using 2 x 10(4) particles on eight processors. T
he code turns out to be balanced at more than 95% level. If the number of p
rocessors is increased, the load balance worsens slightly. The deviation fr
om perfect scalability at increasing number of processors is negligible up
to 64 processors. Additionally we have incorporated radiative cooling, star
formation, feedback and an algorithm to follow the chemical enrichment of
the interstellar medium.