Oxygen limitation in solid-state fermentation (SSF) has been the topic of m
odeling studies, but thus far, there has been no experimental elucidation o
n oxygen-transfer limitation at the particle level. Therefore, intra-partic
le oxygen transfer was experimentally studied in cultures of Rhizopus oligo
sporus grown on the surface of solid, nutritionally defined, glucose and st
arch media. The fungal mat consisted of two layers-an upper layer with spar
se aerial hyphae and gas-filled interstitial pores, and a dense bottom laye
r with liquid-filled pores. During the course of cultivation ethanol was de
tected in the medium indicating that oxygen was depleted in part of the fun
gal mat. Direct measurement of the oxygen concentrations in the fungal mat
during cultivation, using oxygen microelectrodes, showed no oxygen depletio
n in the upper aerial layer, but revealed development of steep oxygen conce
ntration gradients in the wet bottom layer. Initially, the fungal mat was f
ully oxygenated, but after 36.5 hours oxygen was undetectable at 100 mum be
low the gas-liquid interface. This was consistent with the calculated oxyge
n penetration depth using a reaction-diffusion model. Comparison of the ove
rall oxygen consumption rate from the gas phase to the oxygen flux at the g
as-liquid interface showed that oxygen consumption of the microorganisms oc
curred mainly in the wet part of the fungal mat. The contribution of the ae
rial hyphae to overall oxygen consumption was negligible. It can be conclud
ed that optimal oxygen transfer in SSF depends on the available interfacial
gas-liquid surface area and the thickness of the wet fungal layer. It is s
uggested that the moisture content of the matrix affects both parameters an
d, therefore, plays an important role in optimizing oxygen transfer in SSF
cultures. (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.