Because of their nutritional and antioxidative properties, tocopherol produ
ction is an interesting trait for the lipid quality of oil crops. Total toc
opherol content in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) is medium to low, and there
fore, higher levels of tocopherol are desirable in this species. The object
ive of the present study was to determine the inheritance of alpha-, gamma-
, and total tocopherol content and the alpha-/gamma -tocopherol ratio in se
ed of rapeseed. Two diallel mating designs with six parents each were used.
In Diallel I, the parents selected were high or low for total tocopherol c
ontent and in Diallel II, the parents were high or low for the alpha-/gamma
-tocopherol ratio. Parents and F-1 hybrids were tested in a screenhouse in
1998 and under field conditions in 1999 by means of a completely randomize
d design with two replications. In addition, 10 selected F-2 populations we
re grown along with their respective parents. Compared with the parents, th
e F-1 hybrids showed a significantly higher gamma -tocopherol content of ab
out 6 mg kg(-1) seed for Diallel I and 24 mg kg(-1) seed for Diallel II. Ge
neral combining ability effects in both diallels were highly significant (P
< 0.01) and much larger than specific combining ability effects for all tr
aits studied. Reciprocal effects were not statistically significant. gamma
-Tocopherol was not correlated with alpha -tocopherol. The results indicate
that tocopherol content and composition inheritances are strongly associat
ed th additive gene action in rapeseed.