Thirty two river buffaloes (30 females and 2 males) of an average live weig
ht of 380 kg were used to study feeding behaviour under grazing conditions
during the day. The animals grazed openly and they made two wallowing areas
, in the first 5 days. After 10 days of adaptation. the time used for eatin
g, ruminating, walking and resting within and outside the wallowing areas w
ere determined every 10 min for 3 consecutive days during the day between 7
a.m and 7 p.m. The animals spent most of the time consuming pastures and r
uminanting. The time at which there was a higher incidence of grazing anima
ls was at 7a.m. and between 3 and 4 p.m. (more than 90 %). At 10 a.m. all b
uffaloes were lying in the wallowing areas and most of the rumination was p
roduced between 9 and 10 a.m. and at 12 noon. It is concluded that during t
he day the animals were mainly consuming pastures and ruminanting. but buff
aloes probably graze at night. Further studies are required.