The current study examined the anxiolytic effects of cigarette smoking and
chewing gum on urge to smoke, withdrawal, and anxiety in response to a publ
ic speaking task in 45 undergraduate smokers. Participants were asked to sm
oke, chew gum, or do nothing in response to the stressor. Participants comp
leted measures of anxiety, withdrawal symptoms, and urge to smoke pre- and
poststressor. The smoke group reported fewer urges to smoke pre- and postst
ressor than the other groups. The smoke and gum groups reported fewer withd
rawal symptoms than did the control group poststressor. Chewing gum was hel
pful in managing levels of withdrawal symptoms compared with the control gr
oup. Groups did not differ on measures of anxiety. Results suggest that smo
king in response to a stressor may not reduce levels of affective stress. F
urthermore, chewing gum may be helpful in managing withdrawal symptoms in r
esponse to a stressor.