With larger human population numbers and their need for recreation, contact
between humans and jellyfish is increasing. The pathogenesis of cnidarian
stings is discussed here and some of the factors influencing the variabilit
y in adverse reactions they produce are mentioned. The pharmakinetics of ve
nom delivery determines the organ site of damage and the extent of abnormal
ity. Since venoms can injure man by allergic or toxic reactions, the differ
ences between these processes is elucidated. Toxic reactions predominate an
d allergic ones are unusual. A more complete list of disease entities cause
d by jellyfish stings has been compiled. These sting reactions may be local
, systemic, chronic or fatal. Most follow cutaneous stinging but some occur
after stings to the eye or following ingestion. Increased case loads and e
xperience has also lead to a more comprehensive understanding of sting path
ogenesis and treatment. Accordingly, the principles of prevention and first
aid therapy are outlined. Finally, some recommendations for more complete
recording of adverse stings are suggested.