Long-standing conflict between domain name registrants and trademark holder
s prompted the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
to create a global, mandatory arbitration procedure known as the Uniform Di
spute Resolution Policy (UDRP). The UDRP has been used in 2166 cases involv
ing 3938 domain names as of 1 November 2000. The policy gives the initiator
of a complaint, generally a trademark holder, the right to choose which IC
ANN-accredited dispute resolution service provider (RSP) will handle the ca
se. During the preparation of the UDRP, some feared that complainant select
ion would lead to "forum shopping" that might bias the results. This articl
e performs a statistical assessment of the forum-shopping thesis and finds
support for it. There are statistically significant differences in the vari
ous RSPs' propensity to take away names from defendants; there are also maj
or differences in the number of cases brought to each RSP. RSPs who take aw
ay names have the larger share of cases. The study examines other variables
that might explain differences in market share, such as price, the plainti
ff's nationality, or the time taken to decide a case. It finds that nationa
lity and time also are correlated with market share. The study concludes th
at shopping for a favorable outcome is an important factor in the UDRP.