We consider the five-dimensional USp(2k) gauge theory which consists of one
antisymmetric and n(f) fundamental hypermultiplets. This gauge theory is a
many-probe generalization of the SU(2) gauge theory in five dimensions con
sidered by Seiberg in the context of probing type I superstring by a D4-bra
ne. This gauge theory can also be obtained from the USp(2k) matrix model by
matrix T-dual transformations in the large k limit.
We exhibit the anomalous interaction associated with this five-dimensional
theory on the now phase, where the vacuum expectation values (vevs) of the
scalars belonging to the antisymmetric hypermultiplet are also nonvanishing
. On the Coulomb phase, the anomalous interaction has been computed in Refs
. 1 and 2.