Differences in underlying cognitions across gambling tasks were examined. T
he South Oaks Gambling Screen, a measure of pathological gambling, was comp
leted by 60 undergraduate students. They also played computer-simulated gam
es of roulette, slots, and blackjack in a laboratory setting. The "think-al
oud" procedure was used to reveal subjects' cognitions, which were subseque
ntly categorized into cognitive heuristics. Individuals were classified as
social gamblers with and without problems and probable pathological gambler
s. Results reveal that certain heuristics, including references to an expla
nation of their losses, hindsight bias, personification of the dealer/machi
ne, chasing behavior, and past experiences were most frequently endorsed by
probable pathological gamblers. Empirical evidence supports that probable
pathological gamblers are qualitatively different from social gamblers in t
heir emitted verbalized cognitive heuristics.