In Hashimoto's thyroiditis, Fas-induced apoptosis is one of the mechanisms
leading to cell destruction, whereas thyroid tis. sue in Graves' disease is
prevented from it. The soluble form of the Fas molecule produced by altern
ative splicing prevents from apoptosis. We measured soluble Fas in the sera
of 112 patients with Graves' disease, 21 patients with toxic goiter, and 2
4 patients with subclinical hyperthyroidism due to suppressive therapy with
levothyroxine after near-total resection of the thyroid gland for nodular
Soluble Fas was increased in thyrotoxic patients, toxic goiter, and patient
s with subclinical hyperthyroidism. Decreased levels of soluble Fas were fo
und in euthyroid patients with Graves' disease after surgery, whereas solub
le Fas was normal in euthyroid patients with Graves' disease receiving anti
thyroid drug treatment and in patients in stable remission. There was a goo
d correlation between soluble Fas with free T-s (r=0.6) and free T-4 (r=0.5
). Our results show that soluble Fas is increased in hyperthyroidism indepe
ndent of the underlying thyroid disease.